Our factory production line with full cable types of devices, we serve our valued customers.
With the ISO 9001 quality and ISO14001 environmental management system serves.
KOC Cable, which is the industry’s leading companies biridir.sahip history, product range, knowledge, professional staff and with an understanding of domestic and abroad is a reliable company.
W h o w e a r e ?
KOC started its activities in 1972 in the cable, which is the industry’s leading companies biridir.sahip history, product range, knowledge, and understanding of specialist staff with the domestic and abroad is a reliable company.
Annual 8600 tons and 6800 tons of copper processing capacity of pvc granules create competition in the sector and is to go ahead. Our company is PVC or XLPE insulated armored or unarmored all low voltage power cable, according to the standards being produced; ISO 9001 quality and ISO14001 environmental …
O u r P o l i c y ?
Encouragement of innovative and creative approaches, technical and behavioral skills training to increase our activities towards the realization of the Environment, Occupational Health and Safety Management System in an integrated manner along with managing the consumer durables sector in terms of quality …